Help for parents
We are here to help. We know that the current financial climate is making things tricky for us all - this page is designed to share ideas which may help....
Pop Up School Uniform Shop
School uniform pop up shop - please let us know of any specific sized clothes that you need and we will go through our donations and sort this out for you. As soon as it is up and running we will be running regular 'shops' where we will be selling second-hand school clothes at a very small price. Thank you for your donations so far!
Money Saving Ideas
Mental health support for adults
Basingstoke Food Bank Opening Times
Please note that these are external providers so we can't take any responsibility for them - this page is for us to share information only, thank you.
If you have a child at our school, find our private Facebook page ‘Merton Junior School’. Here, we update parents/guardians on a regular (sometimes daily!) basis on trips, general reminders and you can ask our friendly staff any questions about the day-to-day running of school.
Alternatively, we have a page open to the public where we post key information and dates.
We have been overwhelmed by the support of our parents on our private page and it has been an incredible success.
"I want to thank the school staff from the core of my heart for giving (my child) such fond memories"
"Once again, cannot thank you enough for the time you give to take our little darlings on these amazing residential trips! Thank you for keeping them all safe."
"Thank you so much to all the staff that gave up their weekends to allow our children to make such special memories. I am very grateful to you all"
"We've only been part of the Merton family since December but all 3 of the boys have achieved so much more than I thought possible in that short time! We are in the preschool, infants and juniors currently and I am excited for many more years to come watching them achieve more goals and learning for the future with their Merton family"
"This junior school is by far the best in Basingstoke!"
"Thank you Merton teachers. Once again, your good works have shown in our year 6 graduates."
"Best school I could of ever had for both my children - thanks so much for everything"
"Fantastic school. The support has been outstanding"