World cup Week 1
As England are playing over in Qatar, we thought it would only be right for us to take part in some extra football matches.
Each class entered a sweep skate and received 3 teams. Each class has the opportunity to play on the days that their team is playing - as long as it isn't against themselves!
On Monday (rescheduled and happened on Tuesday) We had Oak (Senegal) vs HC (Netherlands) which ended 0-0. As well as Maple (England) vs Lime (Iran) which unlike in Qatar, Iran managed a 1-0 win.
On Tuesday we had Hazel (Argentina) vs Lime (Saudi Arabia) which ended with a 0-0 draw.
As well as Poplar (Denmark) vs Holly (Tunisia) which Denmark won 1-0.
On Wednesday we had Willow (Germany) vs Elm (Japan) and Germany were crowned winners with a 1-0 win.